Week 2, lesson 1 CCVC Words - Phonics Phase 4 - Lesson plan

Nursery - Reception
Week 2, lesson 1 CCVC Words - Phonics Phase 4 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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The lesson plan for Week 2, Day 1 of the Phonics Phase 4 curriculum focuses on teaching children how to read CCVC words. These words consist of two initial consonants, followed by a vowel and ending with a consonant. The objective is to help students become familiar with this structure and to be able to read these types of words confidently. To support children who may struggle with hearing the inner consonants, the teacher's manual suggests additional blending support through games such as Word Breaker, which can be found in the All Aboard Phonics Plus manual.

The lesson starts with a 'Quickdash' activity to revisit and review graphemes and pictophones previously learned, increasing in speed to challenge the children's recall. Following this, the teaching of CCVC words begins with the teacher drawing four boxes on the whiteboard and demonstrating with the word 'spot' by sound-talking and blending each phoneme together. The children are then encouraged to join in and practice with additional words. The 'Word Match' activity involves children working in pairs to decode and blend words from flashcards and match them to corresponding object flashcards displayed on the board. Finally, the 'Phoneme Frame' activity consolidates learning by having children draw phoneme frames on their mini whiteboards and filling them in with graphemes as they sound-talk CCVC words as a class, gradually moving towards independent work without the teacher's model on the board.